Passionate coach, mentor and speaker, Meg Berry has lived and worked true to her inner voice with a commitment to helping others hear theirs. 

As a business administration graduate of Fontbonne University, her diverse career has included marketing, fundraising, event planning, motivational speaking and teaching personal development classes. Committed to helping people, “get to know and love themselves,” Meg helps others journey to be their personal best.

At the age of 21, Meg found herself in a crisis situation. Single and facing an unplanned pregnancy, Meg was completely disconnected from herself and had alienated those around her. Although seemingly holding it together on the outside, inside Meg was lost and alone. For many years, she hid the shame and unworthiness she felt from earlier traumas and experiences.

“I knew I wasn’t a bad person, but for so long I used negative behaviors to try and find acceptance and my worth in others. How others judged me and my external image became more important than my true self. Eventually I turned to drugs, extreme dieting and many other unhealthy behaviors in order to get the love I couldn’t get from myself. I had no idea who I was, so I pretended to be a different person in different areas of my life. I was the good daughter, the successful student, the romantic partner, the partying friend, the capable business owner…but in fact, I just felt like nobody. I was exhausted and in so much pain.”

A profound spiritual experience altered Meg’s life and opened a path to healing the night Meg discovered she was pregnant. Sitting in a cold, unfinished warehouse at the back of a photo studio, Meg was terrified and so ashamed of what her life had become.

“For the first time in years, I surrendered. I knew I could no longer hide from the fear or pretend who I was; I simply bowed my head and accepted the truth of everything. At that moment, a loving presence filled the room and I was wrapped in a warm embrace. I understood not only that I wasn’t alone, but I wasn’t bad. All those years before I had tried to create someone lovable on the outside while denying the divine expression of who I was on the inside. This was an error, a mistake that had brought me painful consequences. On that evening, I began my journey to peace through TRUTH. Telling the truth, living the truth, being the truth. That evening was the low point of my life, but also the starting point for a new life of miracles. ”

Transformational life coaching is a natural extension of Meg’s passion to help others heal from the inside out. Rather than controlling or resisting negative emotions, experiences and behaviors, these challenges become opportunities for discovering how we create a story of fear and pain, rather than living our loving truth. Creating different external circumstances can never occur until you shift the perception of who you are internally. And when that happens, everything changes. This is the basis of authentic, personal and creative power.

Married for 30 years, Meg and her husband Mark, reside in South County. She is the delighted mother of 3 sons, mother-in-law to a beautiful “daughter” and Omi to grand baby, Marley Louise! Meg loves teaching inspirational classes, hosting healing groups, enjoying community events and having meaningful conversations. In 2018, Meg began receiving channeled messages from a spiritual being named Mary, Lady of Light who has guided her to create an inspirational gathering place on the Meramec River. Construction is underway and should be complete in October 2022! Meg looks forward to a new chapter of miracles and living LIGHT!