June 2022: Glynnis is getting Lit

Dear Friends! 

It is such a joy to connect with you all here! I know it has been a while since the last “newsletter” as I have been posting updates on Facebook and Instagram, but it seems the prompting has come to write here again. As always, happy to follow Mary, Lady of Light’s guidance!

I know some of you are not on social media and therefore may be unaware of what all has transpired at Glynnis. I am not going to write all about that, but suffice it to say…it is coming to new life! (See below for building pics!) The property and the project seemed to mirror the global experience these past two years. It went inward and got a bit quiet, it focused on communing with simplicity and nature and ultimately it is emerging transformed! We now realize that 2020 was actually the beginning of a radical invitation to “clear vision” and each of us has had to decide how we will “see” and “perceive” the world moving forward. It has surely been a time of reckoning.

For many months now, Mary, Lady of Light, has spoken about a “higher octave” that we are being invited to experience. She explains that the earth has passed through or evolved to a higher frequency that shifts us out of the confines of time, space and three dimensional living to a unified field of pure potential. We know this is so hard to mentally understand (unless you study quantum physics!), but it can be experienced through elevating consciousness. The best way I can explain it is that you use your thoughts and most importantly, your emotions, to move beyond the seeming limitations of the physical or material world. The old energy was based on duality, polarity and contrast but the new is based on unity, oneness and wholeness. Mary says anything that does not resonate or harmonize with this new frequency will experience chaos or tension. Hence…systems, structures, relationships, bodies, etc. that resist the higher octave will be called into harmony…one way or another. It is a time of great change for the planet and for each one of us as we choose if we will align to the new or resist. Mary says “much will get loud” which likely means more upheaval. But if we “at-one” with the higher frequency, we rise above the discord to a very different experience! This is becoming attuned to our Divine nature and our True Selves. For many months, Mark and I have been having these types of occurrences. We certainly have not perfected it on a daily basis…but we have been witness to many miracles and a new way of existing. As Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to discover the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Mary says our way of living in separation, disease, fear and pain will not be “fixed,” but rather, a new earth is literally created by tapping into this elevated, unifying, high frequency of love or oneness! What seems to be falling apart, is in truth making way for the Divine realm! So much darkness is being revealed on the planet which Mary says is simply the breakthrough to LIGHT!

And so, she asked me to write about the big fireplace that has long been the guidepost and symbol of Glynnis. In 2018, when Mark and I were being given messages about a property we were to find, purchase and steward on the Meramac River, we did not understand how we would locate it. Although we had been given clues about the acreage and other details, it was so confusing. We searched a number of properties with no success. And then, on June 15th as I was perusing Realtor.com, the listing on Keller Road showed up and the first photo was of the massive old hearth. The hair stood up on my neck and arms. Eureka! Glynnis had been found! The fireplace held the energy, it was a beacon to home, community, the fire of life…we knew it was special! We immediately sensed it would be cleaned and restored and the gathering place would be built around it. We felt we knew our mission. 

But of course, Mary had slightly different plans!…

Our first set of architectural plans included the fireplace as part of the outdoor deck area. Even though Mary told us the stones would be too soft to use, we disregarded her message and went ahead with the plan. (You’d think we would know by now to trust her words implicitly!) We thought of course it has to be part of the building project. But oddly, shortly after completing the plans, we found out that St. Louis county changed the flood plain marker and the old hearth was in the no-build zone. Hmm? That was weird. I was so upset because I felt sure it was supposed to be part of Glynnis, but now that wouldn’t be possible. And so, we went to Mary in our messages to find out how to proceed. Her words were both surprising and exciting!

“Other hearths at Glynnis are lit. The standing fireplace is a symbol of old energy. It called to you as a signal, but it’s time has passed. Let it be placed in the ground as a remembrance and an offering of gratitude to Gaia, Mother Earth. The new hearth is energetic, it exists in the as above and so below which is Glynnis. This is the Nitor Vortex which means shining and bright! Much will be revealed and created in the vibration of this spiritual hearth. It is a planetary node where a new home for communion with the multidimensional, sacred, and Divine resides.”

Ahhh…so beautiful! And powerful! 

New plans were drawn and on March 4th of this year, the old fireplace did indeed come down. And just as Mary had suggested, our builder said he would like to knock it over to use as good fill. The stones were soft as predicted and the massive structure fell quickly. We love that the warmth, the fire and the energy of the old is graciously giving rise to the new. The foundation of the Glynnis gathering place is the remains of another era of community where the memories of shared meals, heat and light will be honored and remembered. We loved the old fireplace, but we are in awe of the promise of the new hearth that is lit at Glynnis. Mary told us from the beginning that we were not in charge of what was to built on the land. We were simply to follow directions for it would be “designed by Dios (God)!” It most certainly has been. Mark and I are just following the guidance and doing our best to stay open-minded to the process (even when it doesn’t seem to make sense!).

Completion date for the building is set for early fall! Honestly, we don’t totally understand all that Mary and the many other beautiful spiritual guides have in store for the property. There are things that don’t make sense to us but we are told that all will be revealed “just in time.” All we know is that it has been an incredible grace-filled adventure thus far and we look forward to every new day! Most of all, we are so happy to have such a lovely community to share it with. We don’t see ourselves as the owners of Glynnis, we see ourselves as stewards of just one of many of God’s gathering spaces. Mary calls us host and hostess which seems kind of cute and funny. Whatever unfolds, know we can’t wait to welcome you home!

Love and light to you always!
Mark and Meg

One response to “June 2022: Glynnis is getting Lit”

  1. Kim Bauer says:

    Beautiful ❤️Love to learn about this. Your way of explaining the messages are beautiful