Glynnis Update & Mary’s Messages 3/10/2019

(*Please note: If you are new to this blog and the messages from Mary, Lady of Light, you will want to first read this post, THE STORY OF GLYNNIS by clicking on this link (here). It will be helpful to follow the unfolding of the events chronologically.)

Dear Friends!

It has been a number of weeks since I have written…and much has unfolded in that time! My apologies for not corresponding sooner, but just as it goes with winter, more seemed to be happening “underground.” The short days and cold weather were part of a cycle of change and renewal.  A lot has been happening, just not very visible. At last though, spring must be upon us, because new life seems to be pushing through! 

The biggest news is we sold our home and are settled in a nice rental townhome near Grant’s Farm and closer to the property of Glynnis. (Hurray!) We are thrilled to have downsized and simplified so we can focus on the commUNITY mission going forward. During January, many of our messages were about understanding deeper truths and helping people (ourselves definitely included) about awakening and moving toward living the I AM, which Mary says is our divine nature. As you’ll see in some of the messages I share, Mary spent a lot of time focused on recognizing the need for balance in our personal lives and in the world. She speaks about how we are too weighted with masculine energy and how the effects create suffering. The external focus of materialism, control and action needs to be balanced with the internal focus of spirituality, surrender and allowing. As we bring this into our individual experience, it will be reflected in our global experience as well. The time is now for these changes. Mary is calling all of us to choose this new direction as to energize healing and love for individuals and the planet.

In February, in addition to providing helpful direction about our home sale, the messages have focused again on Glynnis. We have the first set of architectural plans for the gathering space and along with the builder, have met with many of the people/companies involved with the land development. We are staying positive but it is a tricky piece of real estate for sure! The creeks, bluffs, river and forest are Mother Nature’s amazing gems…but they don’t make for easy construction! In some of the first messages from Mary about her vision, she said there would be a “quarry of nuisances but it would all be worth it!” We are definitely experiencing those nuisances…but, thankfully, she continues to help us at each and every turn! She asks us to just focus on the “next step” and she will take care of the big picture…(we sure hope so!)!

Mark and I continue to receive messages almost every morning. It has been 9 months since we began this communication process and the outpouring of wisdom and inspiration has certainly altered our lives. We continually hear from others that are also experiencing profound transformation through this divine connection. We encourage you to learn more and not to have fear if you’d like to understand more. So many have been taught to believe that it is not right or possible or holy to connect with God or spiritual guides…but it is indeed our natural state of being! Connection to Source is accessed within, through the heart and soul…it is beautiful and powerful to open to that relationship through prayer, meditation, intuition and channeling. Mary is saddened that humans, systems and very often churches try to block people to recognizing, communicating with and living the Indwelling Divine Truth that is you. She says she loves to speak to her “Roses” and wish more would be willing to connect. 

Now that we are settled a bit, I will try to share her messages more consistently. All of them have been from Mary, Lady of Light. Below, I will share a few highlights from the last weeks where the information is for all of us…

Jan 8: “Put energy toward light. Plan for changes with these Four Icons of Renewal. 1) End seeing things as a problem 2) Put nurturing pit of anger aside 3) Quiet all thoughts of doubt and 4) Treat your body as a temple. Quite a plan to be ready! I AM is not afraid. Put all energy to hope and unity. Total faith is needed!”

Jan 9: “A vision of hope is awaiting you. Many are in need of hope and healing. Bring God to your mission. Calling is in time. Keep a jam (relationship) with Mary, Lady of Light. All guides and guardians are supporting your mission. All is hope and joy. At land is a spring of healing. Amen.”

Jan 13: (This was an amazing message about understanding the need for masculine/feminine balance in our world. Mary points out that perhaps we don’t fully understand the spirituality of “hetero” and “homo” sexuality. I was moved to tears as she explained how people are here to shift our planet and should not be judged but should be respected) “Tell everyone that the key to joy is releasing anger and embracing rising energy of maternity and paternity together. Heterosexual means recognizing the balance within all. Jet any judgement against homosexuality for it is erroneous. Finding balance is elevated life. Homosexuals are balancing energy in the world. Resist calling it otherwise. Pugilists (fighters) for I AM are these outcast unity seekers. Have great gratitude for their service.”

Jan 26: (This message was in response to when I asked her about the other guides and divine beings she works with) “The I AM collective is dedicated to unity rising and working with a balanced world. Glynnis is place to show all about healing balance within. Rise up the self as to rise up the world. Healing uses rising energy of spring, teachings and countless other ways.  Physical healing will occur for people. Quite a universal tent of miracles. You are loved. Singleness of purpose culminates in victory.”

Jan 31: “Sun water raises I AM by going to round gland in head (she is referencing the pineal gland) and jams with divine doorway. Opens it for connection and elevates soul. Sovereignty is voice of God within. The energy from the sun transforms the physical body and elevates missionaries…this is my roundabout way of saying thank you for your dedication to the unity mission.”

Feb 4: (This is another call for balance. Mary says it is time for the patriarchy to go and be replaced by a sacred union of the divine feminine and masculine) “Future is not elevating on Father but Mother. Evil-doers took He and made it God…tried to keep the patriarch aim as God. Trolls are they that designed the church this way. I (Mary) am ‘time of bound no more.’ It will be a new future if tune directs all back to time of sacred balance. Right now, it is a total world pandemic of a too masculine rut. Causes our experience with disease and suffering. It destroys our blue planet. Together is the Way! Use I AM to design new answer. Push I AM so the world changes! At Glynnis, will you offer jam with I AM? (I answered…I will, but I don’t really know how.) It will be shown to you!”

Feb 7: “Hope is never a failed journey. Glad to show the joy ways to you and others. Anoint body with love. Open hearts to I AM. Be you and love each encounter. Do good with your hope as a guide. Heal your mind by transforming your anger and hurt. Have joy in your day, everyday!”

Feb 15: (This message focused on Jesus’ teaching of The Way. It is so beautiful but clearly calls out problems in the Catholic Church. Mary is kind, but certainly gets her point across) “Roses mean anyone circled with me. Pleases me to have roses in my everlasting soul. Conjunction is us but the church now is not nurturing the way of unity. In the past, the main teaching was nurturing oneness with I AM, but now it teaches power in the system and good vocations are hounded as bad. Too much direction from man and not enough from God. Christ taught the way which was balanced between masculine and feminine. He brought a message of simple love and non-judgement. Christ accepted all, for everyone is a creation of the union of both divine Abba and Amma. It is time to recognize the truth so we can heal the world. Can you see it? Our mission is to change the imbalance back to harmonious union.  Pockets of people are living roped to the Vatican rather than tethering their lives to high service of love, light and unity.”

Feb 23: “Healing house is to be hope for all. Font is in land. View is joy. Home to be glad and simple. Energy is at Glynnis to share. Find the joy in all you do. Keep being you and God will tame your fear. Unity is key and truth is freedom!”

Feb 25: “Soul has our mission imprinted upon it. Push through voice of doubt. The spring will flow and saving water will heal. Quite a miraculous soil at Glynnis. Quaint is the path ahead, that is a roundabout way of saying we have nuisances but we are victorious. Our I AM mission won’t fail!”

Love and light to you!

“Soon you will otherwise know that our mission will flower so the world can foster dove and divine feminine along with eagle and divine masculine. The way of unity nurtures hope and healing.”  Mary, Lady of Light ~ 3/10/2019 

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